December 3, 2010

St Louis home careThe holidays can be a lonely time for elderly people who have lost loved ones or who live alone. Many times the passing of loved ones creates an acute memory on a holiday, or physical limitations can cause isolation and loneliness. If you’re looking for ways to include the senior members of your family, start simply. Holiday events needn’t be elaborate or expensive affairs. In fact, sometimes it is more enjoyable to just keep the plan simple. To help prepare your family for this holiday season, Continuum has compiled a list of resources:

Facts and Misconceptions Regarding Activities for the Elderly. The elderly sometimes miss out on family activities, or are excluded from fun events due to misconceptions about their age and abilities. The Family Fun Shop provides tips for including seniors in activities.

Activity Ideas for Seniors. Crafters Community provides some ideas for simple, engaging, fun activities for seniors during the holidays.

Preparing for an Outing with a Senior. The thought of taking an elderly person on an outing can be daunting, but with a little forward planning, it can be fun, and a welcome break for both the caregiver and the senior. Read more on preparing for an outing with a senior at this link to Elderly Care Tips.

Intergenerational Activity Ideas for Grandparents. Sometimes more involved and long-lasting activities can be planned and executed. This blog from a grandmother has some great ideas shared by other grandmothers on activities that span the generations.

Continuum’s St Louis home care experts understand the needs of the frail as well as the hectic schedules the holiday season often demands, and can help coordinate services to give a caregiver a needed break. For more tips or information, please contact us at (314) 863-9912.