July 5, 2013

It’s the time of year when people take advantage of warm summer vacation time to visit their loved ones. While you are enjoying your visit, do a mini-assessment of your loved one’s current condition. Have they lost weight? Do they seem to wear the same clothes from day to day? Are their daily tasks becoming more difficult? Is their energy level the same as the last time? What about the overall cleanliness or condition of the home? Do they seem to enjoy the same activities as the last time you visited?

If the answer to any of these questions is No, it may be time to start planning for the future. Our team is happy to discuss your concerns and help you become a partner in managing your loved one’s care. Ben Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”—as our staff can testify, small adjustments for seniors with care concerns yield huge results and improve overall mental and physical health.

Enjoy those ice-cold glasses of lemonade and barbeques by the pool with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your loved ones are in good hands! Call (314) 863-9912 any time.