July 11, 2016

St. Louis assisted livingContinuum, providing St. Louis assisted living at home, believes there’s nothing quite like the emotional whiplash experienced by family members providing care for a chronically ill or aging loved one. In fact, very few if any emotions don’t come into play at one time or another during family caregiving – and sometimes, the full spectrum of emotions can happen entirely in one day. Living with the feeling of guilt, however, can be the most troublesome; feeling as though you should be doing more for your loved one and less for yourself.

When suffering under the weight of caregiver guilt, follow these 3 manageable tips:

  • Avoid isolation. Talking about your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor is crucial to see the situation from an objective perspective and to release the burden of carrying those feelings alone.
  • Start a journal. It can be very therapeutic to write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, but it is also beneficial because you can then be able to read back over your journal entries and learn from what you have written. Be sure to note ALL of your feelings, including positive comments, to lift your spirits on more difficult days.
  • Take sound advice. While well-meaning friends and family may have lots of input on how you should or should not be feeling, nothing beats the advice of someone who’s walked a mile in your shoes. Finding a support group of other family caregivers in the St. Louis area can make a world of difference.

For more information and tips on caregiving for your older loved one, or to discuss questions about St. Louis assisted living at home, call on Continuum.