May 15, 2023

Family caregiver helping senior with a walker

There are many options for paying for in-home adaptive equipment.

Is Mom or Dad starting to get nervous about their stability while getting in and out of the shower or bathtub? Do they require a walker or rollator to get around? Then it’s likely you’ll be in the market for in-home adaptive equipment. It’s also likely that you have questions about how to pay for these adaptive devices, and if any of them are covered by insurance or Medicare.  

Similarly to getting home care services, you have a number of options to choose from when paying for in-home adaptive equipment and supplies. Following are a few of the solutions available to help you or a loved one purchase in-home assistive equipment. 

Veteran’s Administration (VA) 

The veteran’s administration is particularly helpful in paying for in-home adaptive equipment.  Veterans and the spouse of a veteran may qualify for benefits. Find out more here 


Someone with Medicare Part A who also qualifies for the Home Health Benefit can receive 80% of the allowable cost for medically essential durable medical equipment covered by Medicare. If the person is covered by Medicare Part B, they do not have to qualify for the Home Health Benefit. Medicare will cover 80% of the allowable amount for medically necessary durable medical equipment. 


Medicaid typically covers a wider range of in-home adaptive equipment and doesn’t have as many strict specifications or limitations as Medicare. 

Other Ways of Paying for Adaptive Equipment  

There are other options for covering the cost for assistive devices if an older loved one does not meet the requirements for Medicare, Medicaid, or benefits from the Veteran’s Administration. Following are a few tips for utilizing long-term care or health insurance and private finances to cover the cost of the equipment needed. 

Long-Term Care Insurance/Health Insurance 

Equipment that is medically required is often at least partly covered by some private insurance providers. Coverage is based on the individual’s particular plan, or, if the person in need of the equipment is a dependent, then the family policy should be checked for details on dependent coverage. 

Bear in mind, however, that even though having the insurance company pay for some of the expense may appear to be a good idea, it is also possible to find the products required at an “out of network” supplier at a lower cost. 

Private Funds 

For families whose in-home equipment is not covered by private insurance, you can consider equipment rental services or gently used equipment like wheelchairs, scooters, or handicap vans. You can find second-hand equipment in disability newspapers as well as on websites such as,, and  

For more help with finding or paying for adaptive equipment for aging loved ones, contact the in-home care team at Continuum in St. Charles today. We can provide a free in-home assessment, make suggestions for adaptive equipment, arrange for order and delivery, and answer any other questions you may have. Reach out to us online or at 314-863-9912 to learn more!